3 Tips to Un-Junk your snack time in 3 mins or less
Snacking is an essential part of a healthy diet. Although they form a bad image on people’s minds, they also provide energy between two meals. The best time to snack is in the morning between breakfast and lunch, and in the evening between lunch and dinner. However, some people choose to snack at the midnight too. It is important to choose healthy options in our snack time rather than picking a bag of potato chips, or ice cream filled with artificial ingredients to satisfy our cravings. By ‘healthy food’ we mean it should be of nutritious value, that will give your body to retain energy and sustain well-being. The best snacks are whole vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy, and beans. Studies have proven that junk foods such as sugary drinks, chips, biscuits, cakes, and candies are as highly addictive as drugs, and alcohol. Somewhere at this point in life, we all crave junk foods. Addiction can only be gotten rid of if the person genuinely wants to get out of...